Publish Date: 17-Oct-2023 01:03:12
By : Sunjoy K Singh
Honey is man's first oldest, reliable source of sweetener. It was almost the only source of Sugar, which was valued for its medicinal benefits. In ancient times every culture had a myth explaining the immortal sweetness of Honey. The earliest evidence of Honey Harvesting is depicted on a Rock Painting dating back 8000 years, which was founded in Valencia, Spain shows a honey seeker robbing a wild bee colony. The oldest written references to honey date back to the Egyptians in 5500 B.C... We found many references to honey in history. Ancient people of the Middle East and Egypt used Honey in their recipes extensively and even in embalming their dead. Even Aristotle stated that Eating Honey prolongs life. Honey has great significance in many different religions. In Hinduism Honey is one of the five ingredients of Panchaamrit, which is used in all ceremonies other ingredients are Ghee, Milk, Butter Milk, and Sugar. Even in Jatkarma Sanskar Honey is put up in the mouth of the Child and the person whispers the name of God in the child's ear. Even in Rigveda, Honey is mentioned as per which herbs sweetened by honey and dripped in honey is a remedy for all injuries. In Buddhism, Madhu Purnima is celebrated once a year in which Buddhists give Honey to Monks. As per the Bible Proverbs 24:13, King Solomon quoted "Eat Honey my son, it is good". In Judaism Honey marks the symbol of a new year, the Jews dip the apple slice in Honey and eat it to bring a sweet new year. In Islam, there is an entire Surah in the Holy Quran called AL-Nahal.
Kamasutra, written by Vatsayana, mentions Honey which plays a significant factor in sexual pleasure. In Mahabharata Madhuban is mentioned as where Krishna and Radha meet, this forest area was used to take nectar by bees to make honey. Many Buddhist Scriptures like Abhidharma Pitaka, Jataka Pitaka, and Vinaya Pitaka referred to bees and honey. Vedic scriptures of Hindus such as Rig Veda, Atharva Veda, Upanishads, Markandeya Puran, Bhagavad Gita, etc, etc also mentioned Honey bees and beekeeping. Various rock paintings dating back to Mesolithic and Post Mesolithic founded in Madhya Pradesh region depicts honey collection activities in wild from Honeycombs.
Honey is made of 20% Water and 80% Sugar. Honey bee visits from 50 to 100 flowers during the nectar collection trip. Honey is the only food that included all the necessary substances to sustain life, vitamins, mineral, and enzymes and it also contains PINOCEMBRIN which improved brain functioning. Its taste is different depending upon the flowers and region from which pollen has been gathered by the bees. It is also the main ingredient of the alcoholic beverage mead which is known as honey wine or honey bear.
Before Independence scientific beekeeping was tried in various parts of undivided India such as West Bengal, Punjab, Madras region, etc. After independence importance of beekeeping was emphasized by Mahatma Gandhi, the Beekeeping Industry was under the aegis of the All India Khadi VIlage industries Board which converted to KVIC in 1956. The production of honey has increased many folds. Initially, it was used only for health and medicinal purpose but now it has become a part of the beverage and food menu. The beauty industry is also utilizing it on large scale. During 2019-2020 honey production was about 1,15,000 Tons roughly which is growing at a good pace year wise year. It is produced in mostly all states and Union Territories of India. India is exporting to about 85 countries across the world the largest importers are Saudia Arabia, the USA, Canada, Qatar, etc etc. Its domestic market and export roughly valued at Rs.3000Crores
Honey known as Madhu in Ayurveda and its scriptures is one of the important medicine which is used for treatment, It is used both for internal and external applications on the human body. It is mostly used for the treatment of blood in vomit, leprosy, obesity, asthma, healing wounds, eye diseases, etc., etc.
Honey enters directly into the bloodstream because of its dextrin content, it helps in curing indigestion problems. It helps in maintaining the right balance of hemoglobin and red blood corpuscles. Honey contains iron, manganese, and copper which help in building hemoglobin. Honey helps to support lung health and the respiratory system. It is widely used for comforting an irritating sore throat and cough as it has demulcent. It helps in calming the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. That is why it is included as an ingredient in various cough syrups. It is widely used as a facial mask for soothing the skin. As per Ayurveda, it is best to use unheated honey, and cooking or baking it must be avoided with any other item. As per many renowned Ayurvedic Vaids, Honey is very useful in bronchial asthma, cough, diarrhea, and urinary tract disorders. it is very good for improving the skin and for the heart. It helps in detoxification of the toxins. It is one of the most used kitchen ingredients that makes you fit and healthy. It works as a natural sweetener and energy booster. By regular use of it, one can increase his/her immunity as it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It stimulates antibodies which aid in combating harmful microbial activities in the body. It is a rich source of niacin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, and riboflavin.
Covid 19 has put the spotlight on the need for a healthy life. The covid impact has put positive demand for the Ayurveda products and honey is one of them. As it is a tested cure for dealing with cough-related and sore throat-related problems. The herbal products, F & B Segment, personal care, and cosmetic industry also propelled its use. As it is a healthy alternative to sugar and is a proven remedy for reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
There are many types of honey in the market as Kashmiri Honey, Ajwain Honey, etc., etc. Some of the leading manufacturers are Dabur, Patanjali, Reliance, LeninEver, Baidyanath, etc, etc. Covid is pushing people to adopt immunity products which is expanding its market. Punjab, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Rajasthan are leading the production of Honey. Per capita consumption of Honey per year in Germany is 2 Kilograms, in Japan it is 700 Grams per year and in India, it is roughly 50 Grams per year.
LeninEver India is procuring the best Kashmiri Honey and providing it to the masses for their well-being. Khadi India-manufactured honey is one of the best honey as it is using less machinery and adopting time-tested old methods for procuring, processing, and packing it. Ayurveda for Happiness is the motto of LeninEver India and they strongly believe in Made in India and Swadeshi Apnae Desh ko Viksit Banaye. Its Kashmiri Honey is one of the best honey which is available in the market.
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